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dangerous plants to absolutely remove from your home

There are a lot of plants that are dangerous to dogs, and making sure you don’t decorate your home with them is important for their safety, because our furry friends tend to be curious and might just take a bite in a moment of curiosity. Here is a list of very toxic plants that you should absolutely remove from your home if you share it with a dog.


These beautiful and colorful spring flowers can be found naturally around gardens and pastures. Whether you’ve picked a handful of them over Spring break, or you’re looking to add a pop of purple to your home, think again! These flowers are highly poisonous for your dog because of their irritating saponins, which are mostly found in the tubers and roots.

Leopard Lilly or Dumb Cane

A lively green plant, this one is definitely one to stay away from. Although it thrives in a home environment and needs little care, it is highly toxic to your dog due to its insoluble oxalate crystals and acid content. These toxins can be found in the stems and leaves, so it’s definitely a no-no.


This plant is not only toxic to dogs, but also to humans if ingested. The only difference is, dogs are a little more curious than humans are when it comes to trying out plants as a snack. The Oleander’s flowers, stems, and leaves all contain very toxic contents which require immediate vet care if ingested.


This ornamental holiday plant is an evergreen plant, meaning its green leaves last all year long. However, it is dangerous for dogs because of the cytotoxin it produces called viscumin which can cause very dangerous side effects to dogs if they eat it. So, be sure to avoid this decorative plant if you share your home with a paw-some friend.

If your dog has ingested a plant and you are unsure of whether it is dangerous to them, be sure to get in touch with your vet right away to ensure their health and safety. And as a general rule, it’s always a good idea to keep plants, whatever they may be, out of reach of your dog. If you have any questions, why not book a slot with a trusted vet through our Vet Connect page?

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